Join the dbt Community

Get inspired. Share knowledge. Meet your people.

Welcome to the community

Introduce yourself to your new peers, ask questions, and share what you know. The dbt Community is where analytics engineering lives and grows, and you're a part of it!


Get help and share your expertise

Getting started with dbt? Solved a problem in an interesting way? Ask and answer questions on the dbt Community Forum.

dbt Help

Whether you're getting started with dbt for the first time, or are a long-time user with a more intricate question, this is the best place to get advice.


Show & Tell

Tell us what you've made! This is the category for sharing code snippets, patterns, tools, and techniques to solve specific analytics engineering problems.



For questions that might not have a single correct answer, and long-lived discussions about dbt or analytics engineering at large.


Chat about your craft on Slack

Find your people and chat in real time with other passionate analytics engineering practitioners


Contribute to the dbt Open Source Ecosystem

Save time for your organization, your future self, and other analytics engineering teams by packaging up your commonly used macros and models.


Additional tests and utility macros that make it easier to generate complex SQL


A SQL port of the great_expectations project


A package for modelling dbt invocation metadata

Get together and learn at dbt events

Meet the dbt creators and engage more deeply with the community in meetups, demos, office hours, and formal training.

dbt Cloud Demos with Experts

dbt Cloud Demos with Experts

Ready to see dbt Cloud in action? Join us for our weekly demo’s and learn how to easily develop models in the IDE, seamlessly analyze data, and efficiently schedule jobs within dbt Cloud. Our product experts will showcase key dbt Cloud features and answer questions live from the audience.

Netherlands dbt Meetup
Apr 23, 2024 @ 9:00 PM CEST-6:00 PM to CEST

Netherlands dbt Meetup

Organized by community members Juan Manuel Perafan and Thomas in't Veld. dbt Meetups are gatherings dedicated to helping you own your analytics engineering workflow. Events will focus on the impact of dbt in the data community and professional development tools for analytics engineers.

Taipei dbt Meetup
Apr 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM GMT+8-10:00 PM GMT+8

Taipei dbt Meetup

Organized by community members Karen Hsieh, Laurence Chen and Allen Wang dbt Meetups are gatherings dedicated to helping you own your analytics engineering workflow. Events will focus on the impact of dbt in the data community and professional development tools for analytics engineers.

Bratislava dbt Meetup
Apr 25, 2024 @ 6:00 PM-9:00 PM CEST

Bratislava dbt Meetup

Organized by Infinite Lambda. dbt Meetups are gatherings dedicated to helping you own your analytics engineering workflow. Events will focus on the impact of dbt in the data community and professional development tools for analytics engineers.

dbt Data Stack Chat Barcelona: Tous and Euno - April 2024
Apr 25, 2024 @ 6:00 PM CEST-9:00 PM CEST

dbt Data Stack Chat Barcelona: Tous and Euno - April 2024

Organized by Spaulding Ridge. dbt Meetups are gatherings dedicated to helping you own your analytics engineering workflow. Events will focus on the impact of dbt in the data community and professional development tools for analytics engineers.

Abuja dbt Meetup
Apr 27, 2024 @ 11:00 AM WAST-1:00 PM WAST

Abuja dbt Meetup

Organized by community member Opeyemi Fabiyi. dbt Meetups are gatherings dedicated to helping you own your analytics engineering workflow. Events will focus on the impact of dbt in the data community and professional development tools for analytics engineers.

Join the community







