Brand guidelines
All usage of dbt Labs™ logo marks is governed by our Trademark Policy. Assuming you have permission, this page will provide further detail on how to use our logo marks.
dbt Logos
The guidelines in this document apply to all dbt logo marks: dbt Labs, dbt, and dbt Core. These logos communicate unique aspects of the dbt brand, please choose the appropriate logo:
- Use dbt Labs when referring to the company that creates and maintains dbt
- Use dbt Core when referring to the open source compilation logic that powers dbt.
- Use dbt when referring to the total dbt software, both commercial and open source.
All dbt logos include the symbol and the logotype. The logotype can be shown in either white or black. Select the version that will provide the highest contrast.

Black and white
When showing a lineup of logos in single-color, it is appropriate to also show the dbt logo in single-color. If a single-color version is required, use #262A38 on light applications, and white on dark applications. Black is an alternate option on light backgrounds.

Standalone symbol use
The stand-alone symbol may be used when the product name or full logo is used elsewhere on the application or nearby. Examples include favicons, signage, and merchandise.

Minimum size and clear space
On screen, the logo should never be smaller than 72 pixels wide. In print, it must appear at least 1 inch wide. Whenever possible, make the logo stand out by giving it space on all sides equivalent to the height of the symbol.